8:35 AM
School Commences (Morning Bell)

10:35 - 11:05 AM
First Break

1:05 - 1:35 PM
Second Break

2:55 PM
School Finishes
Students are asked to arrive after 8:15 am in the morning as a teacher is not on duty till this time. Students are to put their bags on their classroom port racks and then immediately move to the covered area.
Students arriving after 9:00 am in the morning need to get a late slip from the office to take to their teacher. Students leaving from afternoon tea onwards are marked as absent for the afternoon session.
Students attending sports carnivals or event associated with the school are marked present for the day.
Children wait inside the school grounds/undercover area before departing by bus or car. Children who walk or ride bicycles are to depart immediately following the conclusion of the school day. Similarly, children are not allowed in the school grounds after school, unless under adult supervision. The playground equipment is not to be used before or after school.
Children who catch buses in the afternoon wait in a single-file line at the front of the administration building (next to the sandpit), under the supervision of a teacher, until their bus arrives. All other students are not to leave the school grounds until 2:55 pm unless otherwise arranged by a parent.
Parents are requested to notify the school whenever their child is to leave or return to the school premises during school hours. Students must be accompanied by their parent or guardian.
One assembly is held each week on Monday afternoon. The purpose is to enable us to gather as a community to pray, greet, inform and celebrate as one.
Every Monday, at 2:15pm teachers, students and parents are to meet in the undercover area. Led by the year 6 students, each assembly involves:
School prayer
Singing the National Anthem
Every Monday afternoon, students are presented with awards for the good deeds they displayed during the previous week. Awards can be presented for (but not limited to) such things as: achievement, effort, manners, behaviour, good deeds, success.
The purpose of these awards is to acknowledge all of the students at the school for their great work and encourage them to continue with their positive decisions.
Parents are to notify their child's classroom teacher if they wish to be made aware of their child receiving an award prior to the event.

Parking is very limited around the school grounds. Please ensure the bus zone and driveways are kept clear. Students that have to cross a road to get their family car must use the school crossing.
All students are required to demount their form of transport once they reach the school gates. They must carry their scooter or push their bike through the school grounds which must then be parked at the bike racks.

Each morning our Teachers mark the bus role that is then forwarded to the Administration staff. After school, this role is handed to the Teacher on duty and students are to form a line at the front of the administration building next to the sandpit.