All parents are welcome at the school anytime throughout the school year. It is appreciated if parents would sign the visitor's book at the front office when arriving and leaving the school premises only if you are volunteering in the classroom or for Tuckshop. This ensures we meet with the workplace, health and safety requirements for fire evacuation procedures.
All teachers are asked to notify parents as to when volunteer help is required in the classroom. Sometimes these days and times don't suit parents due to other commitments. Please see your child‟s classroom teacher if you are able to help at anytime. Some alternative arrangement could be made with the classroom teacher. Your help is always appreciated!
There are a number of means by which parents can become involved in their child’s schooling including:
Parent Meetings
Library work
Working Bees
Parent Information Sessions
Sporting Events
Social evenings
Because parents and teachers are partners in a child's education, the school seeks to establish clear lines of communication with the parents. Some of the ways this is achieved includes:

Each class has their own designated message basket. Messages given to the office or from the office are distributed via the basket system. The classroom teacher plays a key role in this process as they ensure messages are given to students.
Parents are encouraged to maintain contact with class teachers for the purpose of discussing their children's progress. Consideration should be given to minimising disruption to core teaching time by seeking appointments outside class times. Appointments with the teaching staff may be obtained either directly by email or by contacting the school office.

A parent information meeting is held during the first few weeks of 1st term to inform parents of expectations, homework, work to be covered, ways they can support / assist during the week and other relevant information.
Please ensure you keep the school up to date of any change of details.
The information below is most important:
Change of address
Change of telephone contact numbers
Change of emergency contacts
Change of family doctor or dentist
Serious health conditions

The classroom teachers are responsible for sending home fortnightly class notes. The purpose of these notes is to inform parents about what is happening in the classroom for that fortnight.
The school newsletter is distributed every second Wednesday via e-mail to every family. On a fortnightly basis, classes are rostered to provide a piece for the newsletter about their classroom learning. This may include but is not limited to samples of student work, information report on current and past learning, a variety of reports.
Any notices for the newsletter need to be handed or emailed to the principal or administration officer by Friday afternoon or Monday morning at the latest.

Staff meetings are held weekly on Wednesday from 3.30pm and conclude no later than 4.20pm except by general agreement to continue a matter at hand. On occasions the staff meeting may be held on a different day to cater for local needs of visiting personnel. As much advance notice as possible is provided in such instances. It is appreciated if parents are aware of this afternoon as teachers will not be available.