St Joseph's Catholic Primary School encourages our students to further develop their interests and talents through participation in a variety of co-curricular activities. These include:

Our school holds one Inter-house Swimming Carnival and one Athletics Carnival each year. While all children in Prep to Years 6 are expected to participate and earn valuable points for their house team, parents, relatives and friends are also encouraged to participate either as volunteers or as active observers.
St Joseph’s will be offering the Instrumental Music Program in 2023. The program will be offered to students who will be in Year 3 and higher in 2023. These students will be given the opportunity to learn woodwind, brass and percussion instruments within the school educational program. The benefits of learning to play a musical instrument are well documented. Music participation enhances teamwork, goal setting, self-expression, coordination, self-confidence, concentration and much more.
The instruments being offered in this program are Flute, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Trumpet, Bass Guitar, and Percussion, including the Glockenspiel (Xylophone).

Throughout the year, children may be given the opportunity to further enhance their learning through the real-life learning activities offered beyond the school. All camps and excursions are based on educational programmes and have clearly identified pre-tour and post-tour learning activities. Parents will be advised, in writing, of all planned excursions.
In Year 6, our students will attend camp in The Southern Great Barrier Reef. Visiting Great Keppel Island, The Caves and attending the Gracemere Saleyards.
At the end of year 5, the students attend a leadership camp at Chaverim Outdoor and Environment Centre near Bundaberg. During the camp, students learn leadership and team building skills whilst canoeing, bouldering, climbing and conquering the flying fox.
St Joseph's School Ball is held at the Biloela Civic Centre on the second Friday of October each year. This night acts as a culmination of the student's ballroom dancing lessons. It is a school function and all students are expected to attend. The night is also an opportunity for the school community to gather and celebrate and recognise the Year 6 students before they leave our school and go to High School.
Further information with regard to theme, dress etc is provided each year by the School Ball Committee, which is formed during second term.